When you label your tracks, it is important to always name the position in the arrangement with UPPERCASES, whilst instruments are labeled in lower cases.
White noise sweep - if you have a white noise sweeping from a synth, it is almost always labeled as an FX unless you use it as a hi-hat or cymbal. In that case, the track should be labeled as a drum.
Acoustic parts - If your production includes an acoustic part and plays chords (rhythmically, strumming, or picking), it should be labeled chord instrument (ci). If the acoustic part is a melody, it should be labeled “synth” (sy).
Riser - The synth effect of a riser can be treated in two ways. If the sound has a steady pitch either when it starts or ends then it should be labeled “synth” (sy). If there is no way of hearing a specific pitch, then it should be labeled as fx.
Drum/FX - If you have a drum that is almost an FX, you can label it either way as these tracks are never transposed.
Percussion - Percussion should be a separated group from your drums, as these are usually tuned to the song and must be transposed with the rest of the track if a key change is needed.
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